This page shows you who the main players are in the Universal Credit







































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Who's who in Universal Credit?


Iain Duncan Smith



Secretary of State for Work and Pensions


David Freud (Lord Freud)



Minister for Welfare Reform


There are 2 other ministers under Iain Duncan Smith:


  • Esther McVey
  • Steve Webb


But, of the ministers, it is Lord Freud and Mark Hoban who have the key roles in Universal Credit.


Mark Hoban


Mark Hoban is the Minister of State at the Department for Work and Pensions.


He is the Minister for Employment and has responsibilities for the DWP's labour market activities.



George Osborne

Chancellor of the Exchequer


Universal Credit will be expensive to introduce, so his support is vital.


It is understood that he has only agreed to fund the introduction of Universal Credit if this cost is offset by long term savings in welfare spending.